The mutiny of Aranjuez was a popular revolt and it was caused by the difficult situation that crossed Spain as a result of European wars and the crisis of absolutism. It was backed by Ferdinand VII, son and heir of Carlos IV, and mainly against Manuel Godoy, favorite of the king and in practice the one that ruled the kingdom.

In 1808 the Spanish court, with Carlos IV as king, moved to Aranjuez to protect themselves from the French invasion, they intended the escape from here to Sevilla and then to Mexico. Ferdinand VII took advantage of this situation and arassed the riots.

On the night of 17 to 18 March, groups of rioters armed with sticks, hoes and torches attacked the house of Godoy, who had been hiding, and sacked the house.


The Munity representations, declared of National Tourist Interest, are held every year in Aranjuez, since 1982, in the first week of September.

This year it would be on the 7th of September at 21:15 at plaza de las parejas


We will also visit the craft market and have something to eat.

We’ll be there, leave a comment if you want to join us in this free tour!